The Wow Saddle Gauge
A handy tool to check that the set up of your saddle is correct and in balance. It builds a skeleton of the saddle, with options to set the headplate width, the tree curvature and the depth of the panels, front and back. The balance line in the centre will show you if the set up is correct, taking a lot of the subjectivity out of saddle fitting.
The gauge can be used not only to check the fit of your existing saddle set up, but also to work out what parts you would need to build a new set up for a horse that has never had a Wow before.
The first thing we can check is the length of the saddle, making sure it doesn’t go past the horse’s last rib. The contact map has marks to show the lengths of the saddle panels - size 0 (16’) size 1 (17’’) size 2 (18’) or size 3 (19’). The best way to check is to find the horse’s last rib and mark the line, and find the back of the scapula, again marking the line. Then place the contact map on the horse’s back, matching up the lines on the horse’s back.
Checking the width and the front depth of panel
The front of the saddle gauge can be adjusted to the correct width, and the panel depth can be adjusted as well.
Once the set up is correct, the gauge will sit comfortably and securely on the horse’s back, and the balance will hang straight.